5 Brilliant Reasons to Smile

Smiling boy with SmileMonster

Find a reason to smile every day!

You probably already have plenty of reasons to smile, but who couldn’t do with a few more? And popular to contrary belief, smiling isn’t only for showing emotion – there are actually plenty of other reasons to smile every day. A smile can lift your spirits and bolster your mood, it can make you look and feel better. All in all, smiling is a great thing to do every day of your life. So with this in mind, let’s take a look at five fantastic reasons to bear those teeth and brighten the day of those around you with a huge smile every day!

It releases ‘happy’ hormones

There’s a chance you’ve heard all about this one before, but it’s actually very true: smiling does actually release certain chemicals that can really lift your mood. Serotonin is the prime example. Just like chocolate does, when you smile your brain reacts by releasing the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin. It just goes to show how in tune your mind is with what your body does. Some scientific studies have even showed that smiling can release endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller; so next time you have a headache – give us a smile!

It can lower your blood pressure

Scientific studies haven’t only proved that smiling releases chemicals into the body, it can also actively lower your blood pressure. This one seems to baffle even the hardiest scientist, but it has been proven that smiling does reduce your blood pressure at least a small amount every time you do it. Obviously this is no alternative to real medical treatment, but if you find yourself hot and bothered (like when you’re loading those moving boxes for example), smile a little and see if it helps at all.

It’ll make you more attractive

Believe it or not, smiling can make you more attractive! That’s right; but then again, how many times have you looked at someone and admired their looks when they’ve been frowning and looking miserable? The answer probably isn’t very high! Smiling makes you look happy, confident, and easy-going. You’ll seem more approachable and people will be far more likely to strike up a conversation with you. In fact, when people are being trained in how to be confident, one of the first things they’re taught is to smile more (in fact, the same goes for those being treated for depression).

It can relieve stress and tension

Just as we discussed earlier, smiling can release chemicals into the body that make you feel better. Whether that’s the happy hormone serotonin, the painkilling endorphins, or the lowering of your blood pressure, it’s great news for everyone. And with all of these things combined, you’ll also find that your stress and tension levels will drop. Take road rage for example. When people get mad whilst driving, they’re often told to stop, breathe deep and smile. This takes the tension out of their mind, lowers their blood pressure, and relaxes them. Smiling is one of the cornerstones of feeling good about yourself and the outside world, so it’s no surprise that it’s a recommended treatment for stress and tension.

It’s easier than frowning!

You may have heard in the past that it takes twice as many muscles to frown as to smile – and that’s completely true! Studies have proven that it takes around 30 muscles to smile, but over 60 to frown. Basically, it’s more difficult to be miserable. It’s as if the human body wants us to be happy! So why not take heart from that fact and realise that we are all meant to be happy. Sure, sometimes it’s more difficult than others, but it’s great to know that our own bodies are looking on the bright side of life! So next time you find yourself frowning, why not (to use a cliché) turn it upside-down and make life a little bit easier on your muscles?

In the end, life is meant to be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be too tricky for you to find lots of reasons to smile every day. Here we’ve discussed just five of them, but if you look at your own life, you’re sure to find plenty more. Whether that’s friends, family, music, a great book, or anything else – the world is full of great reasons to smile. Now get out there and find them!

Izzy A. Woods is a fun-loving and happy (most of the time) freelance creative who has lived on both sides of the pond. She prefers to work alongside eco-friendly companies who share the green love, from organic Tempurpedic mattress manufacturers to sustainable coffee growers.



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